Fears of differences and tears of justice

Fears of differences and tears of justice

Back in the 1990s one of my flagship recommendations was a bespoke affirmative action.

What annoys me with this current spate includes the following

  • None of the media are referring to the UN documentation evidencing that racism is against any individual, that all lives matter. In short, the racism is not one-sided. Racism is not only towards black people. Conversely black people can also treat white people with intolerance amounting to racism. Terrorism is also one form of racism.
  • Racism is intolerance in differences and anger around tears of injustice. It is around ethnic origin, nationality, gender, creed, mental health status, physical disability, political opinion, sexual orientation and social position. Ethnic origin is the only criterion that cannot change over life. This explains the discrimination framework. Competence and good values do not have any particular ethnic origin, nationality, gender, creed, mental health status, physical disability, political opinion, sexual orientation and social position.

We are not under-estimating the issue nor washing our hands. It is believed that racism was much more widespread in the past. There have been improvements. It would be inappropriate to boycott the books/comedies/movies displaying these racism incidents because these are actually/already pleas of condemnation. The institutionalised racism is much more difficult to break-up because it is untold and insidious. Prejudice and stereotypes exist. Bias is a cognitive and cultural thing. For all human beings, we have the faith in two objectives: a cultural shift and the right education. Injustices are part of our daily lives. There have been improvements through corrective actions. Thuggery, crime, rioting are simply not acceptable. Pockets of mis-behaviours and lack of respect do not have any colours. Conversely, success is rarely devoid of hard work and positive life philosophy.

Human beings share interests and choices. Inequalities are socially and culturally reproduced. The communication and behaviours in our daily lives are challenges to our levels of tolerance/acceptance towards someone different. Not all disagreements, differences lead to conflict.

Truth this side of the Pyrenees, error the other side, said Pascal. My honest and frank take-away of a tolerance Eldorado journey. But not in a candid way.
