15 movies in lockdown era over 15177 days

15177 days since birth and the lockdown era urges.
We are swamped with opportunities to look at themes we love.

Obviously as a cinema goer I enjoy movies. I usually watch the same type of films.

These are my favourite 15 films. The rule is that the film must have been released between 1978 and 2020. This means that I cannot include Vertigo (1958) from Hitchcock.

Do not take this for granted. I am sure I forgot many movies I used to love.
Some are to die for. Some are just unforgettable. Some are just transient reminders of recently re-watched movies during this unprecedented lockdown era.

I am not sure of the order of preference. Number 1 remains gold dust though...

1 The Life of Others          [I would watch it every day and I would cry at least twice. Obviously the Stasi one, because there are various movies with this title]

2  I Daniel Blake                [sublime social tale by Ken Loach]

3 Far and Away                  [my first discovery of links between Ireland and the USA]

4  Brooklyn                        [souvenir of Far and Away, falling in love with Saoirse]

5 La Historia Oficial          [Las locas de Mayo en Argentina]

6 Dead Poets Society         [Epicure et professeurs illustres]

7 Dans la maison                [One of Ozon's masterpieces]

8 Rogue Trader                   [San Sebastian festival experience]

9 Intouchables                     [just beautiful and heart-warming]

10 Vitta e Bella                    [Obviously the Guido story, because there could be earlier movies with the same title, Could have been replaced by Au Revoir Les Enfants by Malle]

11 ET                                    [There are moments that I do not like during the movie. However, simply life-changing for emotive kids. I still refer to a couple of quotes.]

12 Paddington 2                    [Debatable if Paddington I is better?]

13 Etre et avoir                      [so sweet if you like children education]

14 The truth about romance   [what a gem for romantic anoraks]

15 The fault in your stars       [I think I never cried so much and it is vital to understand others when they suffer etc and how to support them]

