Fares and Cayman

Love ill-equipped

Trapped in this impossible outcome

Threatened by this sensitive model

Bogged down in this loveless pogrom

Love ill-equipped remains immature rebel.

Fragile destiny is freaking heart out;

Futile mutiny leads to things coming out.

Richmond, 8h55 24 January 2020


Even it smells like a rat

Even it smells like a rat with hikes

These tube fares are leading commute to dikes

The guilty pleasures face inflation rises

And yet it is a genuine struggle. Shame size.

How on earth can we bear more cuts in service

Whereas the cost for our commute is so wrong

Loss of historical records held back shall suffice.

Not really: all our GDPR records ought to be strong.

The Crystal Palace steam train goes through

A difficult patch. The Transport Museum stays put;

The passion for trains hingers a breakthrough.

Leaked reports suggest earlier fears. Caporalis CAPUT.

On the Northern line near Moorgate 10h40, 25 January 2020

