

Close your eyes. Try to ignore the close call

Open your brain. Try to catch the looming fall

Keep your emotions inside. Outcome not changing after all.

Balance this event as if you established mean in poll.

A disappointment is measured against how your reactions fare

There will be another opportunity. Get over it. Just bear

With us. With life. Grow up and snub another bear.

Trademark conflict remains what we spare to share

The exposure of feelings will never get one rated

It creates allegations of wrongdoing to be debated

However, once it has raised animated comments, you’re deflated

Nothing we aspired to had been generated.

Near Bank On the Northern Line 8h15 2 April 2019

He saw a couple of liquorice sweets by the large brown table

She attended her sister engagement party in bad mood

He tried to move the cutlery in such way all in the hood

When it came to accessing discreetly something unstable.

They both knew that liquorice products should pave way to stains

She admitted her search in stability that drains

He explained in the main how he could relieve pains

Together, by the outside water garden, pondering mutual gains.

The celebrations have an eerie feel when it rains

The drunken guest stumbled and could not have understood

Why two adults would hijack sugary items for mood

Swings and rattles did leave them insane.

Near Aldgate 8h45 2 April 2019
2019 – 20190204PTBC3

Painful submission now without alternative

Painful observation of discrimination here again

Irrespective of whether we step up. So disgraceful

Keep your mouth shut. Premises so intuitive

Never affirmative. Never constructive again.

Victim of bad faith and usage coerciful.

Lack of class and fallen promises and lack of respect

Lots of cash and fallen compliance to buy silence

This is not even a matter of communication. Exclusion

Simply said, whether improve or not. Worse off

It is not even a cash call or close call. Hats off:

Whilst corporate decisions exist they aren’t perfect

It does not preclude from being fed with decence.

The world is unfair. No need to add to the confusion

You will never get where you want. No change possible

Even excluded from the simplest of meetings. Friction

Is not possible. Eviction deemed poena. Costs addition.

Balham 18h50 2 April 2019
2019 – 20190204PTBC2

Un métro moqueur

Graffiti est le vestige oculaire des erreurs

D’ogres manipulateurs, des foudres de voyageurs ;

Les travaux pas à l’heure ; les prix en augmentant

L’hypocrisie la plus totale en s’en prenant

Aux pauvres payeurs, ce qui est toujours désespérant.

Balham 21h55 2 avril 2019
2019 – 20190204PTBC
