Works of art

Adequate cover

This incident ready to happen

Did you see? Has she looked stunned?

No warnings at all. Roads on the open.

The weather office got it wrong. Stunned?

Duplication of efforts become a necessity

Untarnished brotherhood brought short felicity

Flood, windstorm, dangerous natural risks

Frost, drought, unpredictable natural hazards

Carry the weight of daily challenges; Cards

On the table: do manage these risks.

It is a society duty to govern adequately

It is a firm ethos to insured adequately

In private or public matters, wordings scare

And yet their relevant content justifies the fares

On the Northern near Bank 10h55 17 March 2019

Lucky student

The root cause of a lyrical representation

When the National Portrait Gallery exhibitions

Regain their momentum with her benediction

She could not miss such superb celebration

Swapping members cards secured ticket retention

The website had crashed. And to avail no other

Method of purchase which caused angst and bother

She outsmarted her fellow students once more

She will be switching to the Globe admission

Because the beautiful paintings may bore

A tender soul fed by plays of own session.

On the southbound Northern Line near Stockwell 11h15 17 March 2019            

Aesthetic prowess

She is not here. And I could do with her.

Presence that she offers. But she deserves better.

She is reading a lot and explains beautifully

I am reading her views hopefully

Finishing her new works of art not seen by galleries

This is her unique take over centuries

Of dangerous ties fed by inconceivable union

Of hit and miss declaration on same projection

She would come back And I could spare with her

Any thing one should not share. Mere observer

Of her return to glory I will fare better.

On the Northern Line near London Bridge 11h45 17 March 2019
