Window dressing

Independent thinking

The wind of fortune may have found

New owner. We created new sound

To diversify our info pot; Early rise

Never contributes to demise; Aptly turn

Things around to avoid any surprise.

All colours involved from red to auburn.

No exclusion. No priority. Sane balance

On a politically correct banner of competence

May she continue in state of Independence.

Balham 5h50 1 March 2019

Protective scent

She had used this lovely scented item.

She was looking to get this beautiful stem

I do have the stamina to tell her

That the body language resonates faster

Than one would have anticipated. A danger

In this world where she often disappears.

Nonetheless she claims no ending in tears

Her loyal fanatics stood there in fear.

Balham 6h 1 March 2019

Punchy and eccentric

Really anxious to writing my short analysis

It looks like my appealing daily dialysis.

Keep it separate. A serious mind focused.

We are not out of the woods. All seriously concussed.

Arguably you regained confidence but need to show

It, through this. Quickly and softly. No blow

Or the tide will shift to dangerous seas

Or even remote islands. This is your master plea.

Fundamentally holistic, the duty of care invades

The third calendar month. Short and punchy ideas

Delightfully presented when time for tea

Reduces attention span of target audience. Spades

For thoughts, views for spoilage. Word pollution

Has now stirred up an eccentric new generation.

Balham 6h20 1March 2019

Cities of cinema

Bears and fishes are well known in cinema

For movies are celebrated in a pompous manner

From their respective cities. Slogans to lemas.

There is always something to untap below banner.

Lady in crime, come and visit the Barbican

Lady in crime, eat and drink with a can.

Our prodigious inspirations are still attending

And they would wonder why your visit was pending.

Balham 6h35 1 March 2019

Reinstated in a moment

Suddenly thoughts are with church recint dwellers.

That said it refers to deceased and patients.

Soon will be the infamous birthday of quellers

Whereas the very emotive side was not resilient.

Sleep deprivation manifests itself in ways

That appear insidious. On reflection it’s avoidable.

Type and amount of drinks called a day

Then your sound judgement remains tradable.

Theft of personal property can be downgraded

To a security rating not available to rating agencies.

A matter of discord. You will get downgraded

To a security rating not available to law agencies.

On a cheerful evening battered by snow

Irish writer met English football player

Management of companies. Bah. All escrows.

Beyond the flourishing accounting, true layer.

On a blissful morning littered with sunshine

English media officer caught up with French politician.

Management of strikes. Pff. All mine.

Beyond the reduced working week, fake statistician.

Northern Line 7h10 1 March 2019


Transported into the hills of Provence by Moorgate

Is something as histrionic as was the Watergate.

I wasn’t even born when events unfolded.

We are grateful for the sea changes. A big deed.

But, as a matter of fact, nepotism is seldom

The norm in various kingdoms. Where is it from?

Secrecy, GDPR, non-disclosure. All to see

That the structure of suspect silence obeys.

Liverpool Street Provence garden 8h10 1 March 2019


Sumptuous dress

Sovereign lady is an example to follow

She has a positive outlook anyhow

She draws into hugely entertaining chats.

Sumptuous dress to buy for her. Get at

It before it be too late. She is so cute

In her dazzling outfit. Set for visit to bute.

Writing her a letter to thank her for kindness

Telling her a bit later extent of our fondness.

Liverpool Street Provence garden 8h20 1 March 2019

Title to be defined

Hands quickly dirty, teeth ache. Sed.

Not so hungry, so thirsty. Bread.

In short the voice was clear. Confer first.

A lot has happened. I am also first.

We all have problems. Take it out

Do as told and no more. Figure out

How much you deserve a drink for

The huge improvement you have made up for.

Northern Line and The Regent’s 17h45 1 March 2019
