White beauty

White beauty

Her glamorous white bag is a triumph in taste

As she received huge contributions from safe sources

She had to contemplate the prospect of use by force

Yet to define her purchasing strategy. Theirs to paste.

She feared it would be completely tarnished or wrecked

She never had such a high end item to our amazement

In heated conversation with siblings she then had checked

Whether the hideous nearest store included relevant department

Entirely reviewed it could well match her silk evening dress.

That one. Yes she meant. A failed ruby present.

She had never told him. Any opportunity will he grant?

She failed to realize that he would listen to statement

Her missing another social event would not impress

The white combination created a buzz one could harness

Suddenly the wrinkles and spots became easy to address

She was shining throughout despite hair in mess.

The husband was hearing many ideas and special care on offer

Since she had sold so many tight attire. Bless her

She was special to him. A plan but nothing to digress.

He had contacted a bespoke tailor to create a dress

Of exquisite design, luscious pads and silk softness.

[…] 7h45 Moorgate 22 March 2019

Games plan

Liability games in a Japanese apartment

Where Australian leisure mogul made a statement

Such pledge included support to citizens at games

Whose financing was plagued by hall of shame

There is a slender hope that entities produce

A combined program in good time and wisely

Any applicant, away from process, is banned profusely

From any sport he has never practised. To induce

Is obviously banned. To seduce sounds better conversely.

[..] Aldgate 8h05 22 March 2019

Dashed hopes

As time lapses I fear the lost opportunity

I should have committed suicide. No sleep

This is why all goes out of the window. Too steep

You shall never get anywhere. In anonymity

I would tell. Not even in a meeting. A blip

In a life. Well. Forced to abandon as a whip

Any hope. So much work done. Better product

However, there is suspicion of odd conduct;

Wherever goes this journey it is very sad

I have lost a lot of time but it’s still mad.

On the Northern line 17h35 22 March 2019
