Starting block

Starting block

She was waiting for her exam to start

Her complexion was a mystery. She’s smart

The young lad questioned her report quietly

Her experience outside the classroom abruptly

Reduced to its bare minimum once sent abroad

She could not see him. He had a different road

Roars of disappointment came from both parties.

Together they would have set rule guarantees

She might have left the first entity in tatters

He might have overlooked why it matters

She was very pretty and he was so mature for age

No sight of happiness. She was starved at a stage

Where he introduced himself with no hint of rage

And yet she was asked to decline a collaboration

Because her mindset never assumed situation

To be as close as possible despite local rifts.

This was an early case. Since then many shifts.

They liked their objects. Bodies in harmony.

The lacked funds for subjects. And their companies.

Sad privately. Sad contractually, he lost his way.

She may have conquered the world one day.

You meeting of minds is not yet first of kind

However, the mutual benefits are still to grind.

Those little seeds in infancy not spotted by staff

Those undisclosed early good ideas forgotten by staff

He never stopped at the same station where it started

Since he had moved to country where she started

The nostalgia goes on. They clearly got outsmarted.

Balham 06h50 27 March 2019

Fascinating cereal bowl

When the small child asked for milk and cereals

He was denied any eccentric choice, silk or crystal

He specifically mentioned healthy food. And fit equipment

His parents were wealthy and rejected infringement

Instructions said that he should stick to rudimentary stock

Additional guidelines hinted at where he would block

Any attempt at hijacking education of old epoch

Any discretion as to any change shall be on a lock

Any justification or rationale – would you mock?

The same ruling that pervaded to avoid a knock.

Crystal clear insecurity left on derelict dock

Baffling surprise for immature teen bound to flock

All the wrong habits. He was brain-washed. Shock !

All the innocent practices. His ideas were distorted. Rock !

Let the discipline and food party fall apart quickly.

Then, and only then, he would understand why quirkily.

Aldgate 8h30 27 March 2019


Excitement to see things clearer and ready

Keep your cool, obey, speed it up steady

Much better to have it right than all wrong

I do not react as a person but for a song

That encourages passion, dedication and support

This is where you add value and what to purport

Grotesque challenges should not repair treason

Grotesque rectification may not impair tradition

You get the motivation in finding true matters

Lest it be made in right protocol further

We get trained not to be phased out later

We then offer our entire enterprise for better

Outcomes, controls, adherence to grandfather

From previous CACS journeys near Lucifer.

Near Elephant & Castle 7h35 28 March 2019
