Punitive correlation

Punitive correlation

Less is more. Think about audience

And you are still losing patience;

Why did it take me so long? No chance.

You will never get him as did Gance.

And yet I know I can change perception.

Punitive correlation led to translation.

There is a time for appreciative election

Choice of law has its sole benediction.

Reduced action for former champion

Time to step up to avoid sanction

Already prepared for demolition.

I hate this life full of submission.

Already prepared for brutal ignition.

Death is my kingdom of rendition.

Balham 19h 8 March 2019 and 11h 9 March 2019

Her flight

Too frivolous, overly enthusiast and so bent

When items left so gently, complaint sent

When she did not intend this to happen

Only her siblings and someone of trust to know.

Hot chick is a cold recipe but works for men.

Half-hearted on empty stomach. Dreams far too slow.

A bit confused. A tad tired. Life lost.

So natural, such a different ghost.

No reporting period nor holiday at any cost.

Her reunion with old chums is in frost.

Because the wind may not blow her way,

She did not want to go. She will stay.

Balham 11h10 9 March 2019
