Mysterious joy

Mysterious joy

She has a wealth of experience. Inspiring

Lady who deserves so much reckoning.

Un-wanting challenges mount. She stood.

The unfiltered joy spanning her mood.

She catches every task to minutious

Details. Her outright trait is delicious.

She brightens the life of others.

One loves her banter, she is a doer.

Balham 9h35 3 March 2019 

Altered brain

Encroaching theatre of pains

Seldom battered with rain

Ultimate kingdom of drain

Suffice to alter the brain.

Prolonged wait for new Bain;

Precious acceptance in the main.

Another search for gaps in vain,

Insidious truth is a stain.

Balham 10h10 3 March 2019

Soft exit

Shameful retreat against amendments

Led to another week of derailment

Representative narrative fulfilment

Masks a negative containment

Winds of change. Not an enjoyment.

Third way is another statement.

Blind facing faulty exit agreement

Delay has no purpose in the moment.

The right thing to do: stop the process

Time has come to re-visit. God bless.

Balham 10h30 3 March 2019
