

She was catching a dark parrot to tell

Her the darkest hidden secrets of small town

Split between two oceans, she rang the bell

Whilst a church wedding was stirred by gowns

She got abducted for ransom would open

Property rivalries and jealousy. Whose pen

To write the sad commitments to unwanted child?

The movie is very well done. Scare level mild.

Slender ladies are eye-catching. Modern life

Becomes a tragedy as ownership led to strife.

Northern Line 7h50 12 March 2019

Care about her

She opens her box of jewels. Her blue watch.

Suddenly came to her mind how they match.

She put the kids in their small green beds.

A couple of months had lapsed since they had wed

Her glowing lips were used to satisfy urges

To say how much they cared for each other. Always

She was making sure he would not get it his ways.

She looked after. Nope she was treated with a splurge

She was celebrated. She was the absolute goddess.

She is celebrated. She is the mark of tender fondness.

Moorgate 8h10 12 March 2019

Moral fortitude

Fears of a moral decay, fears of a physical decrepitude

Her beautiful line was fading rapidly. Growing solitude

Raised concerns amongst her friends. On-going turpitude

Would not justify heavy protection against vile servitude.

She was playing with children. Toying the idea of leisure.

She was reluctant to visit her Friends. Her mind unsure

As to whether life spasms were to undo her resilience

She would question the prescription request with petulance.

She was still drinking her blue gin and tea

She could note eat as much as she wanted. Age dilemma.

She often raised her eyebrows. She ordered to flee

From any negative thoughts. But knew life torrid as sea.

She collected a lot of imagery so that she explained

To her young disciples that you shall not get drained

By fragile company, heavy decisions, huge disillusions.

She would do her best. As she was told. Total devotion.

She could not be ridiculed. She knew she was right.

She picked examples from her readings to her might

She had set up a concrete block against plight

She still had the knowledge, that illustrious light.

Moorgate 8h20 12 March 2019

Herd nerves

Destroyed by last night European defeat to May.

Distraught by last hope of no club break overlay.

Deranged by the wave of unsolicited attacks

Distressed by the horrible herd on their marks.

Simply not prepared. Not suited to landmarks.

Merely able to stem advent of parochial sparks.

Adjudged to see animals where humans on stage

May be the way forward when faced with blockage.

Moorgate 8h35 12 March 2019
