
Conduit declined

Terrible pursuit. I have no hope. Not amused

By the impounding slope. I had rather be bemused

Not even able to comprehend hike hereby refused

Terrible Conduit. Horrible prospect. So confused

By the whole exercise. Pernicious yet so, so dangerous

I lost track of the steps ensuring it would be courageous

Terrible attempt. Painful acknowledgement. This is outrageous

By the unilateral decision of Kantian principles. Genius!

On the southbound Northern Line near Moorgate 12h20 17 March 2019


She was wearing the burgundy Cendrillon dress

She stood on her seat. So eager, ready to impress

She also asked for the pale red veil to be displayed

She knew by ‘art’ her next move along with music played

She wanted to wear the dress at school. Her teacher

Was so reluctant to be moved by her soft antics

In fact she established new dress codes. A preacher

Of eclectic manners. So enigmatic and never fantastic.

On the Northern line near Oval 12h30 17 March 2019


Crossed against loss of memory. Missing cross

When our symbol is worn, a feeling of unity

Exudes. However, upon attack we are at a loss

Simply because we do not get same publicity

Pure discredit, mere discrimination in democracy

Society has gone too far to recognise breaches

And accept them on the altar of meritocracy

What is normal? That term needs a few stitches

Tolerance, freedom; does violence respond to violence?

Holding an opinion may not be hate but defiance

Crossed against loss in sense of sane History

When the symbol of belief is refused any glory.

On the Northern Line 7h45 18 March 2019
