Rapturous writing

Nous nous étions regardés pour la première fois

J’avais rêvé et toujours pensé que vous et moi

C’est un drame de te voir en émoi. Pas le choix

L’école du savoir nous distillait du bon temps

Championne d’écriture digne des beaux romans.

Tresse d’agile couleur apporte son lot de magie.

J’agite mon teint las pour revivre pédagogie.

Sentiment nostalgique aux vertus asymétriques

Parcourt nos corps secoués par vie manique

Reviens vers nous esprit jovial. Histoire

De mesurer ce que ne pourra comprendre l’auditoire.

A l'approche d'Oval Northern Line 7h50 26 février 2019
2019 – 20192602PTBC5

Dido’s milk bottle

Young Greek lad failed to sing
A soothing song to his shining
Company aka Dido. Saw her sobbing
His enemies were grabbing her violently
He would set a shield evidently
To protect her in his arms portently
Histrionic heroics were short-lived
Hades Kingdom is where she dived.

Near Bank Northern Line 8h 26 February 2019

Riveting example

She will refuse entry to the wildest
She always looks for the very best
She managed to have the small details
That are making her stand out. This entails
Putting her lifelong clients first. Amazing
Lady whose fortunes are not always good
However, it never deters her from high mood.
She should be acclaimed. She’s so riveting.
May God protect her closed souls.
May God absolve any of her small fouls.

Moorgate 8h05 26 February 2019

Look alike

Getting asked directions as a look alike
Transport guru who investigates dust levels.
Instead of whinging, this is what I like.
Once upon a time a lot of staff would spell
It for you; the world has changed. Manners
Are gone by the wind; this is a no brainer.

Aldgate 8h15 26 February 2019

Language with no fears

The language of love has no fears. Simple.
Description of facts and feelings. Easy.
Wherever you might be from Acton to Temple
There is always the risk of being cheesy.
In essence life is too short not to be nice
Grab the opportunity and in fairness suffice
Our gratitude to enjoy the smallest items.
Aldgate 8h20 26 February 2019

Lost battle

Everywhere you go there are smokers
They put your health at huge risk
We have no authority as law takers
However, it is annoying on a day so brisk
Freedom lost battle. Get on with it. Steady.
Life hardships are far greater. Be ready.

Leadenhall Street 8h30 26 February 2019

Blue sunshine

Magnificent city under blue sunshine
As we wake up with acute excitement
Misunderstanding others. Predicament
Of torrid time simply under our spine
Suddenly all efforts left in vain
We suffer. We suffer. In a pain.

Hallmark Building, Leadenhall Street, 8h45 26 February 2019


Accept that you are in the wrong.
I am sorry. I should understand.
Must shield feelings. Be strong.
Rudeness is not something we stand
Will you ever learn? Detach from task
It is essential not to have to ask.
Keep quiet. Carry on. Smile. Play.
No personal attack. Gone astray
Something to give away. To repay
The nice patience of others. At bay
Or will you be settled in that decay?

Hallmark Building, Leadenhall Street, 8h55 26 February 2019
