Parochial views and good note

Food banks

Curtailed, overly watched and yet really free

The innuendo is far more pleasant than told

Hospitals are known to forge a derailed mode

When treatment is a struggle on new spree.

Patients are restricted to the food banks

As funds for up-keep have dried out

Charities are meant to provide cover on the flanks

But the stark reality marginalized beings bowed out.

Moorgate 8h10 27 February 2019


You created this beautiful kingdom

Even ET wants to get home quickly

I made this a dark martyrdom

Even the scariest movies are released quickly

You gave us all the greatest opportunities

I failed miserably and lost in anonymity

You taught us nice manners for the eternity

I often rebuked and stormed in ignominy.

Moorgate 8h15 27 February 2019

Lord in help

Own benefit, own perdition. Solitude

When help is what draws small fortitude

There was a time when we got some latitude

However, what is asked now is a complex attitude.

Neither old nor modern, you are stuck in words

You might as well let yourself use a sword

Authorities think that you never strike a chord

The only redemption is to praise the Lord.

Moorgate 8h20 27 February 2019

Hopeless mayhem

Doing things because you enjoy them

This is not rocket science. No mayhem.

Please others respectfully. Act diligently

Then you cannot be scoffed at. Told gently

Not to repeat the same errors and love stories.

We should not have to make an inventory.

I am in despair. I am alone. Shivering

When it is warm. This is not very encouraging.

Let me perish in the solitude of London.

There is no hope. Dive in the sea of Poseidon.

Aldgate 8h35 27 February 2019

Disgraced refs

Moss is for hire; no he should retire

Incompetence has no limit. Mind

The gap Spurs supporters. We are here

Coming for you. At your homeless find.

We are starved of minutes and penalties;

We are told offside when it’s not reality.

Sheer disgrace. Shameful referees.

It is not a matter, it is a lot of degrees.

Very balmy February. Worse than May.

Those inept guardians of football law

Who so often decide to go astray.

Mel will have a long journey. Bow

To her with a valiant commitment.

On the Victoria Line 22h25 27 February 2019

Title to be defined 

She was wearing a classy velvet

And I spotted it. I value refined

Items. These eyes of fashion survey.

Something special. Remains undefined.

She shares the same disease

She shares the same double belief

She also has a very difficult grief

She also shines when at ease.

On the Victoria Line 22h35 27 February 2019

Title to be defined 

Clarity of thoughts. Pleasure for effort.

Adolfo came to the party. Good spot.

Even the painful sight of transport

Becomes something on a Good note.

Happy fans. Good attitude. Fun

Even with kids at half-time. Jokes also

Allowed. I improved in my jibes. Sun

Comes out. Hopes of an uplift here also.

Northern Line 22h50 27 February 2019
