Brief notices

Feisty matter

Speed of action is required. So thirsty

That spared thought of discretion. Panicky

Wishing inspiration get away with tricky

Situation where it could turn very feisty

Silence is telling. Driver hurling at us

You wish that commuter took another bus

I was looking forward and yet I feel tired

I want to shout loud and yet I’m well bred.


Northern and Metropolitan lines 7h50 and 8h10 25 February 2019
2019 – 20192502PTBC

Law of modern strategy

I am starving. I am shocked by the inertia

Of protocols. No more ticket offices. Crazy

Law of modern strategy. Horatio incuria.

All in all a frenzy. All in all very busy.

Stop, think, articulate. Explore and answer

Beyond any doubt, beyond any wish of banter.

Where is the merchant of Venice in power?

Slaughter what is so precious to inventive bear

Duty of care and deference vont de pair

As the illiterate French reader would bear.

Send the merchant to prison for treason.

He was offered the monies to share his vision.


Northern Line 18h40 25 February 2019
2019 – 20192502PTBC2
