Dark reality and bliss nowhere

Dark reality

Blood of convulsion Fares poorly

So detached from real frailty

So derailed from dark reality

This is inadequacy blatantly

Dispatched. Never act cowardly.

Politely rejected from circle of glory

I want to die. No shield to folly.                         

There is no easy escape set expertly.

I have lost my energy. Clearly.

Balham and Victoria and Albert Museum Art Library 15h25 21st December 2018

2018 - 20182112P059

Bliss now-where, nowhere

Careless offer of our body to God

Set us apart on this ubiquitous road

Blissful pathway spared on rod

Spoiling the fellow disciples. A broad

Overview is last straw. No other mode

Will serve you well. Engineer of nod

Who aspires to greatness in a pod:

Very depressing image yet to goad.

On the Northern Line 17h40 21st December 2018

2018 - 20182112P060
