Brexit Withdrawal Agreement Solution

This Brexit withdrawal agreement debate shows a lack of cultural, historical and legal knowledge by MPs. I am now convinced that despite being an European Union fan the competitive United Kingdom would be able to shy away from its club membership and be prosperous on a bespoke most favoured nation basis. The negotiation was a leadership failure. If we cannot convince that the reformed European membership is better on a lot of matters then the alternative is an urgent divorce re-negotiation on a free rider basis with pragmatic bespoke own laws and sovereignty. The treaties do not allow the relationship negotiations to take place prior to leaving. The period since the vote should have served to bridge the treaties' gaps and update the previous agreements/laws on a conditional basis of a free will. Pitt did not follow the communaute europeenne but Britannia ruled and thrived! Collaboration can be performed on a bilateral basis in this complex world.

Gillray used to draw beautifully the contempt for a sovereign parliament - one can say we evidenced one example today from the Leader of the House, the European Union Exit Secretary and the PM - and we shall remember where we were when the Brexit vote farcical crisis occurred [lies/retentions/legality/adjournment]

Congratulations for the ECJ judgement outcome. I have been listening to the statements today in the Commons since 1530. For all her stubborness, the PM is consistent in not answering the valid practical questions nor the legal challenges. 

1- The UK culturally, economically and socially may thrive outside the European Union membership
2- The treaties do not allow for some negotiations to take place before the member state has actually left the European Union
3- The transition from 'EU' law to 'England and Wales' law is not as straightforward
4- The deal obtained by Teresa May's negotiating team is a very bad deal. The current deal is illegal and the sine die deferrment is laughable. The original referendum was not democratic because the Leave campaign was based on lies and legally flawed.
5- If I had to choose, I would prefer the revokation of Article 50 to its extension because the European Union has a lot to offer. We should have a better and stronger reformed European Union instead of making her the reason for our society demise.
6- In order to accomodate the non-binding initial result, the Article 50 extension would help re-address the current negotiation package pitfalls but you would still be subjected to 2- above. Which means that you cannot get the full picture upfront. Hence the non-binding political declaration addenda to the withdrawal agreement.

In a nutshell either we trust a new negotiating team to deliver Brexit in the interests of British citizens with a new deadline or Article 50 should be revoked and let's work towards a stronger European Union.


  1. bruno,ai apprécié le fond et la forme de ton surtout ta capacite a etre objectif sur un sujet aussi sensible


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