Lasting love?

Lasting love ?

Long was the wait for the sublime to happen

Love in the heart is the love of shared views

Sight of beauty to instil immediate spring of joy

Jostling with the fury of marvellous symbiosis

Amazing destiny leading to the sweetest dream

Becoming this lyric, vivid and profound reality.

Juvenile heart grows stronger on a mere thought

Of Who we are longing to look after daily.

Shining orange disrupts ageing melancholy

Giving that extra special flavour of lasting love

Precious gift initially left to a rarely quiet mind.

Never again will the avid search flourish

As the most powerful love has now presided

Over the daily routine of insurance contracts.

Tempting as it may be the curse in disclosure

Should we overcome fear of that one-day fare

Inspiring as it should be, my heart in disarray

For the eagerly wished moment yet to occur.

Beyond any electronic boundary a surge in love

Erupts, provides this secretly unique feeling

That the very special one lady is here forever

Various notes 24, 25 and 27 May 2011 

Source                       papiers / notes seules à Marly, à trouver, à checker et à re-travailler
