Myths and lies of the British referendum on EU membership

Good evening everyone.

Sincerely the bulk of my best friends in the UK are calling for Brexit or they simply cannot vote.

I cannot vote either.

I do suffer when I hear lies from the 'EU leave' advocates.

First and foremost I have a hard copy of a 12-page essay outlining the positive effects on both sides which I drafted over a month ago.

I also have a quick memo of what we should say as positive or mitigation elements in relation to the EU to Brexiteers. That is why I use when challenged by passers-by when canvassing for the Remain / Stronger In Campaign. 

Also tonight I have a quick list here of the flaws in the Leave Campaign and the advocates of Brexit

1- What is the EU?
You have to state
*Which treaty you rely on (Rome, Single European Act, Maastricht, Amsterdam, Nice, Lisbon)
* Who is in it ? (there are countries that do not have the Euro as their currency)
* Who can access it (Copenhagen Criteria)
*Which areas of priority?
*Which areas of subsidiarity / devolution? 

2- The Commonwealth development is not curtailed by the EU. Trade patterns are far more complex than the restrictions that may stem from the EU treaties. What trade mode would you operate on in your new bilateral 

3- Migration is twice as important from outside the EU as within the UE coming to the UK and the UK has not ratified the Schengen agreement / protocol. The existing governmental agency has not complied with its duties. There are also many British citizens working / living in other EU countries. Fundamental flaw is laying the blame on the EU.

4- The fact that the EU lacks democracy is a fallacy as it has never been so democratic . Each treaty has increased the linkage between citizens and the decision-makers. It is like any government and the House of Commons.

5- Regulation is at various levels, it happens at local level (local English / England & Wales) law, European level and globally (standards only). Harmonization is better for business and makes a lot of transactions for private individuals much more seamless.

6- Club membership numbers provided by the Leave Campaign are misleading numbers. At the end of the day many promises from the Brexiteers are relying on unrealistic figures.  

7- As for the economy, being in the EU is an additional positive factor to the UK economy. The UK economy growth has never relied on the EU / EEC / Europe. Leaving the EU would at best be neutral in terms of intensity of economic growth. 

8- On a political and philosophical standpoint, closer co-operation, team work and unity is better than parochialistic re-energised Rule Britannia propaganda.

That's it for tonight.
All the best

