Great Britain in the EU is forward-looking and open-minded

Just finished listening to the Great Debate on the BBC tonight and it is probably one of the worst ways to finish off a long campaign.

The controlled concluding remarks by the Leave Campaign contrast with the set of lies and general remarks they have been putting forward in their leaflets, in their presentations to the general public or even to the Treasury Select Committee.

As for the Remain campaign, the progress and intrinsic benefits arising out of the EU membership are so obvious and so often taken for granted. There is no project fear in disputing claims towards the unknown on the other side. They are also eager to suggest enhancements to the existing arrangements.

The Leave campaign has the right to suggest an alternative model based on the primacy of British interests. However it should not allow them to distort the economic/political/migratory reality.

It irritates me the fact the Leave campaign indicates that by regaining control all will be ok on the key subjects of economy, immigration and the role of Great Britain in the world. In theory it looks good because you expect full freedom of action granted to the UK Government. In practice it is a completely different story. If both campaigns can offer forward-looking statements, the Leave Campaign cannnot boast of being open-minded. Their blaming culture and their hate logic is ten fold worse than any tentative suggestion of a gloomy outlook over many years in the event of a Brexit.

To be safer, to have a less lopsided economic and social growth, to ensure better regulation and political standards, the British membership to the EU should be fostered instead of shying away from it.

Sometimes History gets to be shaped in a day. This Thursday has the hallmark of a significant turning point in the way a leading nation handles complex structural macro issues.

If Great Britain were to wake up on Friday morning with a Leave win it would be for me the second biggest political earthquake on matters close to my heart and my intellectual ethos I have ever experienced after the Mr Jospin defeat in the presidential race but with two huge differences that matter a lot. Firstly I cannot vote on Thursday. Secondly this is potentially and technically as things stand an irreversible decision in the event of a Brexit.

Citizens of Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland and eligible Commonwealth citizens be proud and great and vote to remain in the European Union on Thursday 23rd June 2016.

