A grip on one year of astonishing proportion

July 2019 to July 2020: A grip on one year of astonishing proportion

It started with a confirmed redundancy. As we know it finished by a disastrous letter following a wasteful hearing.
It then led to some huge disappointments in not being able to join companies with the desirable job in the desirable format etc.
Then came up this incredible short return to the world I love. But had I known it would be so intense but more importantly had I known as frustrating a final outcome would be.
I reluctantly joined a new financial services journey. Whilst in the background the Brexit news were getting grimmer as the unexpected landslide changed UK politics.

A very productive poetry year ended. I had not travelled as much as I should in view of job search and new job. I would get to regret it in a way.
I fell out of exhaustion or unease. Rushed to hospital. I was still doing my self-harm. Then as family members get to grips with their terrible sicknesses, the COVID pandemics spread across Europe and other parts of the world.

Ultimately, we got forced to change our habits. I got to know new fields and new social friends. I got really scared and worried for family and friends. Ironically poetry and self-harm were less in abundance during this lockdown period. Instead I got into the youtube frenzy around music, tennis, football, handball, politics, history, love psychology and comedians. I completely fell in love with a new show including the community friends’ podcasts and that was the most positive highlight. Second most positive highlight: I am now cooking and baking. I love it now. But I do cook and bake the same things all over again.

As the football season draws to a close without a public, I was also absent from the final goodbye to very special people that passed away this year, through COVID or other illnesses.

For most of these 12 months I therefore worked from home remotely.  All sorts of social media shall appear as an useful interactive tool. It helps one keep in touch with loved ones. Holiday plans disruptions are really not important when your favourite friends and/or relatives and/or acquaintances are in their eternal rest journey. I am not sure what my work journey come next January should be. I have to risk manage any possible scenario. Life is too short for existing dreams?
