
Red Marks

Red marks towards the Archway decision

Celebrating a march where death obsession

Gets higher priority. Seriously the control derision

Runs away from the station. Clear contusion.

Lost, alone, derelict, detached, visionary prisoner

Frost, proxy, abandon, exit, prophecy, quick be-moaner

Post, atone, perplex, arch, lunacy, soon goner.

On the Northern line near Angel 11h50 26 January 2020


Dirty look

Patiently faced with another dirty look

Portently unable to cope with no book

Certainly disbanded by sad outlook

Death head is spinning. Joy is lost.

The only way is down. Nothing is worth.

Loving, emotionally connected. Not any sort.

The only way is down; nothing is worth.

Loving, not being loved. Going up north.

Death bed our time lurking. Mad cohort.

Asking for the dirty look to get lost.

The only way is down. Nothing your worth.

Death cedes its passage. Elation now

Certainly overwhelmed by solemn flow

The only way is down; nothing no worth.

The only way is down, note-worth

The only way is down. COTESWORTH.
Loving, emotionally rested. From any port.

Near Clapham South on the Northern line 16h55 26 January 2020


Granulés indolores

Se mutiler pour éviter de parler mal

Se lacérer pour atteindre les fleurs du mal

S’éteindre à petit feu car nous sommes rien ;

Se résoudre à se retirer de tout et faire le bien.

La froideur des tissus sonne creux.

La stupeur des lents mouvements dérange

Les craintes de perte invincible démangent

Les déceptions ponctuent l’ère qu’elle veut

Les rosiers sont vite fanés. Jardin secret

Perdu comme cette enclave destinée à chagrins

Déçu comme cet esclave dont la finitude émet

Des signaux si pathétiques. De quels grains?

Granulés d’un monde mu en fine poussière

Obnubilés par le désordre d’expressions grossières.

Elle restait là transie de peurs. Mains bleues.

7h52 Stanley Road on the 33 to Richmond 28 Janvier 2020


Pirámide de codicia

¡Cortesía de Cortez cuando acudió a la isla!

Quedaba por construir la pirámide de la codicia

Mientras iban conociendo a los indígenas. Desvela

El planteamiento de la búsqueda de oro. Renuncia

A su papel institucional elegido por los católicos

Había incluido en su ejército los ejes públicos

Intentaba evitar la masacre de gran calado

El proceso de subordinación quedaba paralizado.

8h18 Sheen Court on the 33 to Richmond 28 January 2020


The long scarves

Such a grievance against the useless prediction

The quicker the flight the smaller the attrition

The long scarves mask a well drilled selection

The unique curves unsettle the modern depiction

The long scares that give long scares.

The frost outside and inside must prepare

To short stares that spare brutal tear;

The cost outside and inside ought to bear

The subjects of tribe become trading rights

The pride of scribe distorts pleading lights

Such a violence against the salient concession.

The unique ways deter from best impression.

The quicker the bright outlook is perceived

The sleeker the slight book bias received.

On the South Western and Southern via Clapham Junction and to Balham (17h40 and 18h) 28 January 2020


Rule maker

The role played by ideas makes Brexit plural

Refugees with freedom of speech found it sensational

Independent within orderly parameters set

United by a Scottish song on the TV set

The political riddles from yesteryears spread

In the inner circles. Interest groups instead.

You saw it coming but to see it governing THAT.

Pragmatic over complex. Do not forget THAT.

The rule maker is ready to ditch directive

There cannot be sufficient doses as an incentive.

[interrupted, Richmond at 7h40 on 29 January 2020 and 8h30 on 30 January 2020]


Breed of disorder

Mental health is the last treasure to hide

The distance from the Priory gets one off tide

Nothing comes too early in vehement pain

Nothing comes too handy away from drain

Bulimia. Depression. Knowledge gap. Ouch

Tempest indolent and servile companion. Couch

Failure governs a breed of disorder. Riddle

Manifests itself in a dogmatic way to fiddle

No one else gets it. No one else wants it

No one wants a visit. No one gives a split

Second. Second to none. Sordid life. Spit

In your face. Drag me down. Who to meet?

On the trains to Clapham Junction and Balham 28h40 30 January 2020



I am so sorry because you will have no tomorrow

I am deeply unsettled owing to size of sorrows

I am left to abandon the blue beauty

I lost the appetite. This horrible journey.

I am fed up with everything the UK conveys

I had enough of Serpentine promiscuity

No patience. No tolerance. Consideration.

There should be none. In this sort of situation,

Losing it. Losing her. She will not wait.

Two phones. Two ideas. That would be fate.

I am so sorry because you are so in the past

I am deeply dissatisfied as ire go fast

I am left to rue the lost time then

I am fed up with the relentless drain

I had enough of this. I am such a pain

I am willing to end this with a death pact

There should be none. And yet she has no tact.

The sooner you go, the better the world impact.

On the train to Hounslow 8h10 and Balham Firefly 19h40, both on 31 January 2020


The wrong party

The wrong party you are invited

The wrong time you are incited

The wrong sign you get noticed

The wrong trade you got excited

The wrong friends you met earlier

The wrong ties you cement in a year

The wrong ideas you shared my dear

The wrong deadlines you request soldier

Poor old citizen of lost freedom. Sad.

Poor old broken of useless kingdom. Mad.

Firefly Balham 19h40 31 January 2020

