Sudden burst

Her look as goddess

She looked after us like a goddess

She needs a treat like a princess

Her smile and big heart would surprise

Many citizens. Her little enterprise

Sells very well the enjoyment of Now

Because brief is what you don’t know.

She worked to share. God bless.

I miss her. She has a go on subjects

Many people would also find abject.

Treats very well person and object.

She is so tender and beautiful. Wow.

Aldgate 8h10 12 February 2019

Mindful oddity

When you think of hospital stay

Never disclose what there to stay

Remind yourself of oddity as may

Never happen again. Left at bay.

Singled out. Unfit. Gone astray.

Ready to finish in an ash tray.

True support. Olé! True support. Olé!

Aldgate 8h20 12 February 2019


Gratifiant de quoi. Hésitant quand?

Prenez garde. On coupe les cerveaux.

Être prêt à prendre les devants;

Tout projet ainsi tombe à l’eau.

Vous êtes fini. Vous n’en avez pour longtemps.

On laisse tomber. Chacun sa peau.

L’exclusion, c’est bien un truc dément;

Mais on vous dira c’est pas rigolo.

Edifiant. Toujours. Désolant si tôt.

Or il est noté de rentrer dans le rang.

Leadenhall Street 8h30 12 février 2019
