Playing solitude

Playing field

Dunkirk looming, a ghost in Greenwich

Caught by timing, a tad in a sandwich.

Games fortified by columns to come

Thick and fast. Half term syndrome.

Early rise never comes as surprise

This is what constitutes their enterprise

Challenged, questioned. What prize?

It is finely tuned. Organized rise.

Where is the playing field? Silence.

Maritime bells in a ring of ambivalence.

Green, red, their fate is that of clemence.

Sitting tight. Heavy reliance on defence.

Fans flock to Parnasse. On a high

Expectations are raised. No safe bet.

You may face an injury. That thigh

Whose benefits are already set.

Northern Line 7h50 21 February 2019

Left aside

Vibrant story of lost childhood

Never did she complain loudly

She feared unruly feat. Fondly

Her body was thin. She stood

Against her enemies. Proudly

School was not her thing.

She would go terrified. A sting

In her life. With no help broadly.

She was left on her own woefully

Brutally realizing the misfit

Of her stylish speech. Peacefully

She changed to be a true Brit.

Parochial claim to raise spirit

Faded as she plunged to despair

So quickly that it was beyond repair.                             

Metropolitan Line 8h and on way to Drayton Park 16h55 and Emirates 17h45 21 February 2019


Red fist of lazy drivers

For Govia is most annoying

Risk management is not dying

Insulting way to the river.

Idiotic transport bosses

So painful. I hate them.

Where is our money? Cos

No doubt THEY are to blame

Poor citizens held hostage(s)

Suffering daily. Sheer carnage.

Nothing changes. It sucks.

Hands so dirty. It f*ck’s

Me Up. Language is a stab

A powerful trick up for grab.

Once at home I may calm down

So annoyed. Ready to drown.

Why should we suffer? Shame

On you despicable TFL mafia.

There will be a moment to tame

Your habit in creating pariahs.

Northern Line 20h45 21 February 2019
