
Lyric side of success

I will learn but there is also a fine tune.

Peaks and throughs. Just be normal. Play.

I took the Mary Poppins umbrella. Stay

In tune with your lyric side so immune

From adult regulation. Where is success?

I have none. Cos’ the recipe is not to harness.

Northern Line Clapham Common 7h30 28 February 2019
2019 – 20192802PTBC

Automatic survival

Slender swipe rests on derailed premise,

As you see them but you do not assess

Automatically as effectively in fairness.

You must abide by rules. Then no surprise.

Sending wrong signals. Lost all interest.

Just get on with surviving doing your best.

Northern Line Kennington 7h40 28 February 2019
2019 – 20192802PTBC2

Habitual log

Grateful to get this notebook. Fell short

Of ideas and set up of any kind or sort.

On a piece of paper then computer then blog.

It actually became a small habit. Log

No longer by run down voice software.

Be patient. Be aware. You could face malware.

Bank 7h45 28 February 2019
2019 – 20192802PTBC3

Fire on tap

Will you hear the voice of reason? Turn

On the change trap. You may get tiny clap.

This is not time for the soft historic nap.

A golden present keeps you on track. Make

It happen. Impress to redress. Huge stake.

But the frivolous weather has left a burn

In tough circumstances like in the North of Corsica. Brevity

Has the power to become a fire in longevity.

Moorgate 8h 28 February 2019

Playing with food

Move. Move or you will be a bloody

Corpse willing to decline a life appetite

I cannot even claim to feel a foodie.

The patterns are so obscure. Vainly repetitive,

Which is always received with light spike

As the rules prohibit hunger strike.

Confusion reigns. Food despot, high five!

Danger looms. Gargantua must sit tight!

Aldgate 8h30 28 February 2019
2019 – 20192802PTBC5

Cutest treasure ever

Cute treasure so far away. Giving so much.

We want to blow a kiss to her. As such

She does the best she can for everyone.

She suffers from a lot; she would turn down a scone.

Her dad whom I never met must have been

Amazing. Devout Christian since his teen

He would offer shy lady a special dance

He did not think the province met Independence.

On her worldwide journeys she was the sharpest

Then you cannot be surprised. She’s the best.

Aldgate 8h40 28 February 2019
2019 – 20192802PTBC6
